MSA is pleased to announce the receipt of an Engineering Excellence Best of State Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Wisconsin.
The award was presented to MSA for the State Highway 182 Bridge in the City of Park Falls, Wisconsin, a Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) project. Best of State Awards recognize engineering achievements that demonstrate the highest degree of technical innovation, client satisfaction, project complexity and contribution to the engineering profession.
The winning bridge design is a 282-foot-long, three-span, pre-stressed concrete girder bridge that spans the Flambeau River on State Highway 182 in the heart of Park Falls. It replaces an aged and deteriorated former bridge, servicing the transportation needs of the residents, businesses and commercial operations of the City.
MSA was recognized for addressing project site challenges with innovative solutions, utilizing a bridge design with drilled shaft pier foundations, an adjustable west abutment detail and vibration monitoring to protect sensitive operations equipment at the site-adjacent Flambeau River Papers.
“We are honored to have been a part of this significant WisDOT project,” commented Leah Rhodes, PE, and bridge design team leader at MSA. “There were a number of unique challenges that required a thorough and innovative approach. We congratulate WisDOT for their work and thank ACEC WI for recognizing our combined efforts.”
Engineering Excellence Award winners were honored at the ACEC WI annual Awards Banquet on March 22, 2019, at the American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin.

Pictured from left: MSA CEO Gil Hantzsch, Team Leaders Leah Rhodes & Sean Spromberg, & Chris Klein from the ACEC.
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